Guldhans™ is the ultimate and newest game in the "fat man simulation genre". You play as Guldhans, a fat and sexy man made of gold. Guldhans is always slowing down because of his fat ass, eat giant squares(Feta) to gain speed. If you do not eat a square in a some time you will eventually stop and LOSE THE GAME!!111!!!11ENENENEN plz playey mein game :)

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This game has honestly changed the way I look at life. The game is about an overly obese man made of gold who has to collect squares to keep being able to run. If he does not collect the squares, he loses speed until he ends up unable to move. I think that this is a perfect representation of our society, where we are all in a constant rush to get more and more money (aka squares), and if we don't get the money, we feel like we are stuck in place, not being able to go further in life. And before any of you say "Oh BuT iSnT iT jUsT a CoInCiDeNcE???" I have one thing to say to you. Stop. Stop and think about all of the choices in your life that has led you up to this moment. All of the experiences that have shaped you into who you are as a person,and what kind of person you could have been if you had done things just a bit differently. All of your life leads up to this moment, and you choose to be wrong? You purposely choose to argue against factual facts? Why? Why would you do this? Is it to cope with the fact that your pet hamster "Tony" fell into a blender when you were 7 years old? Or is it perhaps so that you can finally feel something in the empty husk of what used to be your heart, that has now withered away and died due to "the incident"? And even if the feeling of guilt that you feel by writing an incorrect reply doesn't make you feel good, it at least makes you feel. Anyway, the games pretty decent, 6/10